Algorithms for Data Science CS 2243, Fall 2024
Course Details
This is a graduate topics class on algorithmic challenges in modern machine learning and data science. We will touch upon a number of domains (generative modeling, deep learning theory, robust statistics, Bayesian inference) and frameworks for algorithm design (spectral/tensor methods, gradient descent, message passing, MCMC, diffusions), focusing on provable guarantees. The theory draws upon a range of techniques from stochastic calculus, harmonic analysis, statistical physics, algebra, and beyond. We will also explore the myriad modeling challenges in building this theory and prominent paradigms (average-case complexity, smoothed complexity, oracles) for going beyond traditional worst-case analysis.
Time/Location: MW 2:15-3:30, SEC 1.413
Instructor: Sitan Chen (sitan@seas.harvard.edu) Office hours: SEC 3.325, Monday 5:30-6:30
Teaching Fellows:
- Weiyuan Gong (wgong@g.harvard.edu), Office hours: Thursday 11-12, SEC 3.317
- Marvin Li (marvinli@college.harvard.edu), Office hours: Friday 4-5, SEC SEC 3.317
Canvas (for lecture recordings only)
Course Policies: See syllabus for detailed overview.
Pset 4 due November 11, 11:59pm.
Pset 3 due October 29, 11:59pm.
Pset 2 due October 9, 11:59pm.
Pset 1 due September 20, 11:59pm.
Notifications of course placement will be sent out by Aug 31 at the latest.
Pset 0 and course application form due September 3, 4:59pm
Miscellaneous Materials
- Helpful references:
- Roman Vershynin. High-Dimensional Probability (primarily Chapters 1-2, though 3-4 are also helpful)
- Compilation of recurring notation used in the course
- Some relevant past courses:
- Ankur Moitra. Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning
- Tselil Schramm. The Sum-of-Squares Algorithmic Paradigm in Statistics
- Sam Hopkins. The Sum of Squares Method
- Prasad Raghavendra. Efficient Algorithms and Computational Complexity in Statistics
- Sanjeev Arora. Theory of Deep Learning
- Song Mei. Mean Field Asymptotics in Statistical Learning
- Lenka Zdeborova & Florent Krzakala. Statistical Physics For Optimization and Learning
- Ahmed El-Alaoui. Topics in High-Dimensional Inference
- Subhabrata Sen. STAT 217: Topics in High-Dimensional Statistics - Methods from Statistical Physics.
- Kevin Tian. Continuous Algorithms.
- Mark Sellke. Random High-Dimensional Optimization: Landscapes and Algorithmic Barriers.
- Sam Hopkins and Costis Daskalakis. Algorithmic Statistics
Date | Topic | Lecture Notes | Resources |
Sep 4 | Logistics, vignette: diffraction limit and learning theory | instructor notes, slides |
Sep 9 | Tensors I: Jennrich's algorithm, applications (super-resolution, Gaussian mixtures, independent component analysis) | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Sep 11 | Tensors II: Iterative methods (gradient descent, tensor power method, alternating least squares) | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Sep 16 | Tensors III: overcomplete tensor decomposition via smoothed analysis | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Sep 18 | Sum-of-squares I: pseudo-distributions, sum-of-squares proofs | instructor notes, slides |
Sep 23 | Sum-of-squares II: robust regression and certifiable hypercontractivity | instructor notes, scribe notes |
Sep 25 | Sum-of-squares III: mixtures of spherical Gaussians, entropy maximization | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Sep 30 | Supervised learning I: PAC learning, Fourier analysis, semirandom noise | slides, scribe notes |
Oct 2 | Supervised learning II: noise sensitivity, one-hidden layer MLPs, Hermite analysis, CSQ algorithms | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 7 | Supervised learning III: filtered PCA | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 9 | Supervised learning IV: linearized networks | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 16 | Supervised learning V: mean field limit | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 21 | Computational complexity I: hardness basics, SQ lower bounds | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 23 | Computational complexity II: SQ dimension (application to MLPs), statistical dimension (applications to Gaussian mixtures, generative models) | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Oct 28 | Computational complexity III: cryptographic lower bounds, continuous LWE | instructor notes, slides |
Oct 30 | Computational complexity IV: continuous LWE (cont'd) | instructor notes (board talk only) | |
Nov 4 | Statistical physics I: intro to graphical models and variational inference | instructor notes (board talk only), scribe notes |
Nov 6 | Statistical physics II: belief propagation, Bethe free energy | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Nov 11 | Statistical physics III: derivation of AMP, state evolution, Z2 synchronization | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Nov 13 | Statistical physics IV: optimality of AMP for Z2 synchronization | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes |
Nov 18 | Generative modeling I: stochastic calculus, Langevin diffusion | instructor notes, slides |
Nov 20 | Generative modeling II: intro to diffusion models | instructor notes, slides, scribe notes | |
Nov 25 | Generative modeling III: Girsanov's theorem and discretization analysis | instructor notes, slides | |
Dec 2 | Generative modeling IV: Probability flow ODE, reverse transport inequalities, and shifted composition | slides | |
Dec 4 | Generative modeling V: polynomial approximation and diffusions for learning Gaussian mixtures | instructor notes, slides |